
Condensation is a major contributor to symptoms of damp experienced in residential properties. Often confused with or misdiagnosed as rising/penetrating damp. Condensation is the result of inadequate heating and/or ventilation, when moisture laden air meets a cold surface it will condense and form water droplets. On porous surfaces such as wall plaster, furniture and personal belongings, residual mould will grow. Cases of condensation have risen dramatically in the last 20 years due to rising utility costs and the heightened awareness to insulate and draft exclude our properties for energy conservation. The majority of cases we deal with are tenanted properties. The reasons for this can be a lack of knowledge to tackle the issue themselves, inadequate facilities within the property or simply affordability of gas and electric. Mild cases of condensation can often be tackled by the occupant without the need for additional facilities. Ensuring ventilation is regularly provided by leaving windows ajar for sustained periods and maintaining a regular ambient temperature is enough for most properties. Simple things such as refraining from airing laundry indoors, covering pans when cooking and keeping bath or shower room doors shut will all help to reduce excess moisture levels. This often requires a dramatic change in lifestyle and should become part of the daily routine. Harford Specialised Services undertake inspections on behalf of local authorities, letting agents and private landlords. Our aim is to provide information that will help you resolve the situation, this may involve additional heating and ventilation facilities or how adjustments in lifestyle could reduce symptoms.

Contact us for information about inspections, reports and estimates.

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